Book Trends for 2024

Book Trends for 2024

Book trends are often forecasts based on current popular themes.

The subjects gaining traction towards the end of 2023 are likely to remain prevalent in 2024.

Yet, in the ever-evolving book industry, the processes of creation, discovery, and consumption have become more unpredictable than ever.

While fantasy novels maintain perennial appeal, the landscape is rapidly transforming with the diversification of book formats, creator voices, distribution channels, and the rise of self-publishing outlets, reshaping how both audiences and creators navigate the literary realm.

Here’s an overview of some significant book trends to watch for in 2024:

Surge in Self-Publishing:

The self-publishing market is experiencing a robust 17% annual growth, surpassing the 1% growth rate of traditional publishing.

Financial gains in self-publishing can be substantial, with platforms like Amazon KDP offering creators up to 70% of sales revenues.

Noteworthy is the increasing influence of women, with 67% of top-rated self-published books being authored by women.

Independence in publishing is exemplified by success stories like Brandon Sanderson, who raised $41 million through Kickstarter for his self-published books.

Recognition for self-published works is growing, with prestigious awards now open to self-published creators.

Self-Publishing Trumps Traditional Publishing in Earnings

Trending Book Genres:

Young adult, romance, fantasy, mystery and thriller, historical fiction, science fiction, self-help, and memoir are expected to dominate book genres in 2024.

Visual storytelling genres such as photography books, graphic novels, and art books are also experiencing popularity.

Proliferation of Photo Books:

Photo books are not limited to traditional photography genres but have become a creative outlet for various artists, including graphic designers, fashion designers, painters, sculptors, and illustrators.

Advanced printing technologies and print-on-demand services contribute to the expansion of the photo book market.

Diversity in the Industry:

Efforts to address diversity disparities in the publishing industry are evident, with initiatives to increase representation of underrepresented groups.

Indie publishers play a crucial role in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in publishing.

Even prior to the emergence of BookTok, there has been a surge in book blogs advocating for diverse reading, a trend previously unattainable.

These blogs champion diversity through various means, tailoring their content to a plethora of specific audiences.

Adoption of AI:

AI is making its mark in various aspects of the book industry, from editing and proofreading to marketing and data analytics.

AI-powered tools like Authors A.I., JasperAI, and KNIME are becoming integral to book creation and promotion.

Despite its initial sluggish uptake, artificial intelligence has firmly entrenched itself within the media landscape, serving as a cornerstone for business expansion.

Its prevalence is undeniable, evidenced by the commonplace usage of AI-specific terminology like Big Data and predictive analytics in corporate settings.

Looking ahead to the future of AI in publishing, a plethora of opportunities emerge, offering publishers pathways to ascendancy.

Remarkably, a survey indicates that 75% of publishers perceive AI as indispensable for their business prosperity over the coming three years.



Expansion of Children’s Books:

Children’s books are expected to expand around themes of diversity and inclusivity, emotional intelligence, and environmental awareness.

Growth in Graphic Novels:

The graphic novel market, with notable additions like DC Compact Comics and female-driven YA graphic novels, is experiencing significant growth.

Anne DePies, SVP & General Manager at DC, expressed enthusiasm for the DC Compact Comics, highlighting their ideal pricing and dimensions for both prose and manga enthusiasts seeking accessible storylines.

She noted that the 5.5″ x 8.5″ format is widely favored among graphic novel fans globally and emphasized the affordability of $9.99, making it an attractive option for retailers. DePies underscored that these compact comics offer readers a convenient, palm-sized graphic novel experience without compromising readability.

DC Compact Comics


Striving Toward Sustainability:

Sustainability is a growing concern in the book industry, with emphasis on eco-conscious publishing practices, including print-on-demand services.

Book Trends for 2024

Ascension of Audiobooks:

Audiobooks continue to gain popularity, with projections showing a significant share of the global publishing market.

The audiobook industry was on the rise prior to the pandemic, received a substantial surge during it, and persists in its expansion even as we transition from pandemic norms to a semblance of regularity.

This upward trend appears relentless, with projections anticipating audiobooks to burgeon into a $19 billion industry by 2027.

podcasts for your books

Direct-to-Consumer Sales:

Direct-to-consumer sales are on the rise, with creators emphasizing a direct connection with their audience, bypassing traditional distribution channels.

Short-Form Content:

Short-form content is gaining traction, prompting creators to explore digital formats like blog posts, PDF guides, videos, and reports.

Smarter Book Marketing:

Book marketing is evolving with an emphasis on authenticity, social media engagement, direct connections with fans, virtual events, email marketing, and the integration of technology, including AI.

In conclusion, the book industry in 2024 is marked by a dynamic landscape, offering opportunities for creators to explore diverse formats, genres, and innovative approaches to publishing and marketing.


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