Book Cover Design Secrets Used by Bestselling Authors

book cover design secrets

Book cover design is a complex process requiring you to think about many different things. You need to consider the look of your book and how readers and potential buyers perceive it. It might seem like an overwhelming task.

Luckily there are some simple secrets bestselling authors use when making their book covers. So, are you ready to learn how to make your professional-looking book cover? Let’s get started.

  1. Mission Statement.

Mission statements are an essential part of the overall book cover design process. A mission statement is a single sentence or phrase that describes the purpose and message of your book and serves as a guiding principle for you while you write it.

The best mission statements are straightforward, like this: “To help my readers rediscover their personal power.”

my golden blood

Above conceptual book covers for the My Golden Blood series.

  1. Choose a Strong Font.

Choosing your font is another important aspect of book cover design. If you get this wrong, no matter how great the rest of your book cover looks, it won’t sell.

  • Pick a font that is simple to read. Make sure that the size and shape of each letter are easy to distinguish.
  • Choose a font that fits the genre of your book: if it’s a thriller, then choose something sleek and exciting. A good rule of thumb is “the simpler the better.”
  • Choose a font that looks good in small and large sizes: some fonts look great but can become hard to read when shrunk down in size – this might mean avoiding bold or italicized text.

the poison of money joe torrence

Above book cover design for The Poison Of Money.

  1. Add a Background.

Background can be a simple, clean color or a more complex image. It’s up to you, but remember that the background should be relevant to your book title and genre and consistent with your chosen cover template.

Try not to choose too many colors that are too bright or distracting. Also, ensure that any logos or text on the front cover aren’t lost behind any part of the background image (unless this is intended).

book cover design example

Above excellent example of book cover design and  title design.

  1. Decide on the Cover Size.

A book’s cover is a potential reader’s initial impression of your book. The design should be eye-catching and reflect the book’s tone and genre. The cover should be professional-looking and accurately convey what the book is about.

If you are self-publishing, deciding on a size before you begin designing your cover is essential. You will want to choose an appropriate size for print books and ebooks.

If you do not know how big your book will be when printed, use an industry standard size as a guide.

This will make it easy for your printer to know how large they need to make the cover template so everything will fit together when printed.

  1. Select Your Image.

Now that you have a design in mind, it’s time to select your image. There are two options here:

  1. You can choose stock photos which are images that already exist and can be used by anyone. They are inexpensive, but they often aren’t as high quality as professional photographs.

     2. You can hire a professional photographer (or multiple photographers working simultaneously). 

This is the best option since it gives you control over every aspect of the design process. Custom images increase sales because readers know that the author has put more effort into creating their book than just using whatever was available from stock photo websites.

book cover design examples

Above book cover design example.

  1. Add the Title & Subtitle of Your Book.

Your title and subtitle are your first impression, so ensure you give them your full attention. Use a bold font for the title and a different color for your subtitle.

The colors and text should be large enough to stand out from the rest of your book design but not so large that they look silly on the page.


Hopefully, this has given you insight into how best-selling authors make their book covers appealing to readers.

It’s not always easy to come up with a cover design that will sell your book, but the tips and tricks in this article can help make it easier for anyone who wants their story to be read by thousands or millions of people around the world.

Contact us at any time if you need help with your book cover design needs. 

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