Tips To Write A Great Synopsis For Your Book

Tips To Write A Great Book Synopsis

The book synopsis is a critical piece of the publishing puzzle. It’s the first thing an editor or agent reads in your submission, and it can help determine if they’ll even bother reading the rest of your manuscript. If you don’t know how to write this vital document, here are some amazing tips to help you do it right.

What is a Synopsis?

A synopsis is an overview that gives us an idea of whether we want to read the whole thing. Your synopsis aims to communicate your story in three or four paragraphs.

Your characters, the conflict they face and how they overcome it, what themes are explored, and how this impacts your audience emotionally or psychologically (if applicable).

The Synopsis Is Key To Selling Your Book.

The synopsis is a crucial part of the book proposal. It is often the first thing a publisher will read, and it can make or break your chances of getting published.

A good synopsis will immediately capture an editor’s attention and make them want to read more; a bad one can put people off reading your book altogether.

how to write a great book synopsis

How to Write a Synopsis That Grips Readers.

The purpose of the synopsis is to describe in detail who your characters are, what they do, and why. You want it to be clear, concise, and engaging.

You need a hook that will grab the reader’s attention within seconds. This means every word needs to count.

Keep it short and focused on the critical elements of your story: who, what, where, and when, and any plot twists or turns.

how to write a great synopsis

For a good synopsis, it is essential to focus on the following:

  1. The Premise of Your Book.

The premise of your book is the heart and soul of what you’re writing about. It’s why you wrote the book in the first place, and it should be evident from every word that makes up your manuscript.

The premise of your book should relate to both the title and genre (or sub-genre) you have chosen for yourself as an author.

The better these two things align, the easier it will be for readers to find you on Amazon or Goodreads and understand what they can expect when they purchase or borrow your novel.

  1. A Direct Overview of the Main Plot.

A synopsis describes your book’s plot and should not be an overview or summary of the story. You’re doing it wrong if you’ve written a synopsis that reads like it could be used as a summary.

If your synopsis is too long, people will lose interest quickly. The goal is to keep their attention throughout the page and entice them to read more.

The best way to do this is by telling your story in such detail that they can see themselves turning the pages right now! Your book has been done for ages, but if it feels like something they want to read today – they’ll buy it.

  1. An Introduction to your Main Characters.

You must introduce your main characters when writing a fiction book. The main character is the protagonist, who has a goal and works toward achieving it.

The antagonist opposes the protagonist in their dreams and acts against them to prevent them from achieving their goal.

Additionally to these two main characters, there are often other crucial supporting roles, such as sidekicks or mentors, that help move the story along.

  1. An Outline of Your Major Subplots.

This is a great way to keep you on track and show off how well thought out your story is. It also allows the reader to understand better who the characters are and what they’re going through.

You don’t necessarily have to include every single plot point or character development in the synopsis, but having an idea of where you’re taking your readers will help them relate more quickly when they read it later on down the road.

  1. A Good Understanding of the Appeal of your Book.

To write a great synopsis, you need to have a good understanding of the appeal of your book. What makes it different? What makes it unique? Why should readers read this book instead of something else? It can be helpful to consider what questions readers might have about your book before they read it.

book promotion


Writing a great synopsis is one of the most critical steps to take when trying to publish your book.

It’s not enough just to write a good book; you must also pitch it effectively so that publishers will be interested in reading more about it.

This can be difficult because there are many different styles and methods for writing synopses, but we are sure we have put together some great tips to help you write an excellent synopsis for your book.

Contact us at any time if you need help with any of your book publishing and marketing needs.


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